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Three types of ADHD: What are the differences?

Date: Jun-07-2017
ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and is also sometimes referred to as ADD, generally when the person with the disorder does not display symptoms of hyperactivity.

Although there are several different predominant clusters of symptoms that people can experience, the diagnosis is still ADHD.

ADHD is one of the most common health disorders affecting children. It is estimated that around 11 percent of children aged between 4 and 17 in the United States have ADHD, which equates to around 6.4 million children. However, adults can also have ADHD.

This article will explain the three different types of ADHD.

Contents of this article:

What are the different types of ADHD?

ADHD in adults





What are the different types of ADHD?

ADHD is estimated to affect more than 10 percent of children in the U.S., making it one of the most common health disorders children face.

ADHD is often first identified in school-aged children. A key sign is when their behavior becomes disruptive, and they show signs of:

not being able to focus

making impulsive decisions

being hyperactive

ADHD is more common among boys than girls.

There are three main types of ADHD, which differ according to the symptoms that present most commonly. The three types are:

ADHD, combined presentation: This is the most common type of ADHD. The person will show impulsive and hyperactive behavior, as well as getting distracted easily and struggling to maintain attention.

ADHD, predominantly impulsive/hyperactive: This is the least common type. The person will show signs of hyperactivity and the need to move constantly, as well as displaying impulsive behavior. They do not show signs of getting distracted or inattention.

ADHD, predominantly inattentive: People with this type of ADHD do not exhibit signs of hyperactivity or impulsivity. Instead, the person will get distracted easily and find it difficult to pay attention.

The predominantly inattentive type is the one often referred to as ADD (standing for attention deficit disorder) as the term does not contain the word "hyperactivity."

The disorder was described as ADD before the word 'hyperactivity' was added in 1987. Essentially, ADD is now an outdated way to refer to ADHD.

ADHD in adults

It was once believed that children with ADHD outgrew the disorder during adolescence because hyperactivity is often reduced as children become teenagers.

However, adults can also have ADHD and often they do not even realize that they have it. While it is true that hyperactivity is less of an issue in adults with ADHD, often other symptoms can get worse. These include:

impulsive behaviour

poor concentration


While most people diagnosed with ADHD as adults recall having similar problems as a child, it is not always the case, and it is possible that the symptoms have developed later in life.


Difficulty focusing and following instructions are signs of inattention.

Some small children naturally display some of the signs of ADHD. These include:

high levels of activity

difficulty staying still

inability to pay attention for long periods of time

However, this behavior becomes an issue if it is causing them problems at home, at school, or with their family and friends.

There are some key signs of ADHD that can be broken down into three main types.


Signs that suggest someone is experiencing inattention, include:

having trouble staying focused on tasks or activities

getting quickly bored with a task or activity and struggling to complete it

seeming not to be listening when spoken to

having difficulty following instructions

showing signs of forgetfulness and making simple mistakes

trouble with organization and planning ahead

frequently losing or misplacing belongings

not enjoying study or prolonged periods of mental effort


Signs that someone is experiencing impulsivity include:

having difficulty waiting their turn

often interrupting others

blurting out answers or inappropriate things rather than waiting to hear the question or to be called upon

problems controlling powerful emotions, which can lead to anger issues

taking risks and not understanding the consequences of their actions


If someone has the symptom of hyperactivity, they may be showing signs of:

constantly fidgeting or squirming

having difficulty sitting down and staying still

talking all the time

constantly moving around, including running and climbing


Often children are not diagnosed with ADHD until they attend school. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that doctors do not diagnose children until they are at least 4 years old.

Just because a child shows signs of inattention, impulsivity, or hyperactivity, it does not mean they have ADHD. Some other medical conditions, psychological conditions, or life events can cause similar symptoms, such as:

learning disabilities, or problems with reading, writing, and language

traumatic experiences, such as moving house or school, bullying, parents' divorce, or the death of a loved one

psychological disorders, such as anxiety or depression

behavioral disorders

medical conditions, including sleep issues, epilepsy, and thyroid problems

There are no specific tests that can diagnose ADHD, so a qualified health professional needs to gather lots of information before they can make a diagnosis.

Parents, carers, and teachers will often have to give a detailed history of the child's behavior. The doctor will also observe the child's behavior and may recommend psychoeducational tests, which are used to identify and assess potential learning disabilities.


Medications and therapy can help people with ADHD manage their symptoms and develop important social skills.

There is no cure for ADHD, but there are many treatments that can help people manage the disorder. The type of treatment recommended will depend on a variety of things, including:

personal preferences

the age of the person

severity of the symptoms

whether they have undergone different treatment before


Drugs are often used to help manage symptoms by balancing the chemicals in the brain that are responsible for attention and controlling impulses.

Common medications for ADHD include:






These drugs can cause side effects, including:

decreased appetite

trouble sleeping


stomach aches


If side effects occur, discuss them with the doctor.


Many types of therapy seek to address any social, behavioral, and emotional issues that the person may experience.

This form of treatment can include working in small groups or one-on-one to help the person develop the social skills that will help them to interact with others.

Often therapy can be undertaken as part of the school program for children with ADHD, so discuss this option with both the doctor and the school to find out the best way forward.


Although ADHD can be managed, not addressing it can lead to serious problems, so it is important to seek help if concerned.

Some things can also be done at home to help the situation, such as:

ensuring proper exercise and sleep

establishing a routine for children with ADHD and sticking to it

observing and listening to a child with ADHD to look for triggers

organizing daily tasks and breaking them down into more manageable steps

Some people have noticed a relationship between hyperactivity and eating foods that contain lots of sugar. If this is the case, cut back the amount of sugary foods the child eats.

There are many positive aspects to ADHD, particularly when the disorder is properly managed. For example, people with ADHD are often creative, enthusiastic, and have lots of energy and drive.

Written by Tom Seymour

Courtesy: Medical News Today
Note: Any medical information available in this news section is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a health care professional.