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Congestive heart failure: Symptoms, treatment, and prevention

Date: Jun-09-2017
Congestive heart failure undermines the heart's job of pumping blood around the body. This can occur when the heart muscle is too weak, or when another defect prevents it from circulating blood properly.

Over time, this failing causes the organs to receive less blood.

When the kidneys are deprived of a good blood supply, they struggle to filter fluids to make urine. This causes fluid to build up in parts of the body, particularly in the liver, eyes, lungs, and legs. Congestive heart failure (CHF) gets its name from the "congestion" of this excess fluid.

Left untreated, CHF can be fatal. Even with adequate treatment, CHF may get worse over time, triggering problems throughout the body.

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CHF describes a cluster of symptoms, not a single disease.

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity are all risk factors for CHF.

Risk factors for CHF include:

congenital heart defects, appearing early in children and infants

high blood pressure or cholesterol



chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and coronary heart disease

other cardiovascular conditions

heart infection

reduced kidney function

a history of heart attacks

irregular heart rhythms

abuse of alcohol or drugs


older age


Symptoms of CHF vary in severity but tend to get worse over time.

People with a history of cardiovascular health issues or several risk factors for CHF should seek immediate care if they experience symptoms of CHF. Similarly, if symptoms do not improve after a few days, a person should see a doctor.

The most common symptoms of CHF are:

Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing: People with CHF may also struggle to breathe when lying down due to fluid accumulation in the lungs.

A persistent, unexplained cough: Some people experience wheezing and pink or blood stained mucous.

Swelling in the legs, ankles, abdomen, or hands: The swelling may get worse as the day goes on or after exercise.

Feeling tired: This can happen even when someone is well-rested.

Changes in thinking and memory: Electrolyte imbalances due to CHF can impair the ability to think clearly.

Nausea: This can be accompanied by a drop in appetite.

A rapid heart rate: This occurs because the heart is unable to pump blood with a regular rhythm.

Feeling light-headed or dizzy: This might also include tingling or numbness in the extremities due to inadequate blood supply.

As fluid builds up, people with CHF may develop painful swelling. This is called edema and was once referred to as dropsy.

Swelling caused by CHF can undermine movement, and may even cause dangerous blood clots in the legs. Also, organs affected by fluid retention may not work properly, making it harder to breathe or exercise.

Children with CHF may experience delays in physical development, while babies with the condition may struggle to gain weight.


Lifestyle strategies can reduce the risk of CHF and can also slow its progress. In fact, many people with mild or moderate CHF find that lifestyle remedies are enough to control their symptoms.

Lifestyle strategies, such as exercising and maintaining a healthy weight,

are sometimes enough to prevent or slow the progression of mild CHF.

To prevent or slow the progression of CHF:

maintain a healthy weight

get enough exercise - some people may need to follow a modified exercise regime in consultation with a doctor

manage stress through meditation, therapy, and other healthy methods

eat a heart-healthy diet low in trans fats, rich in whole grains, and low in sodium and cholesterol

monitor blood pressure regularly

get vaccinated for the flu and pneumococcal pneumonia

Additionally, people who already have CHF should avoid caffeine, get adequate rest, track changes in their symptoms, avoid very cold or hot temperatures, and wear loose-fitting clothing.


Different medications can help symptoms of CHF. These include:

Blood thinners to reduce the risk of blood clots, which might break loose and travel to the heart, lungs, or brain. Blood thinners can also increase bleeding.

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to widen blood vessels, making it easier for the heart to pump blood around the body. ACE inhibitors can also lower blood pressure.

Anti-platelet drugs used to stop blood clots by preventing platelets in the blood from sticking together.

Beta-blockers, which lower the heart rate and reduce the force with which the heart must pump. They can also lower blood pressure.

Statins, which are used to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol, and may raise "good" HDL cholesterol.

Calcium channel blockers, prescribed to help the heart pump less forcefully. They can also control irregular heart rhythms.

Diuretics to help the body excrete more fluid in the urine and prevent it from overwhelming the heart and lungs. They also reduce swelling and prevent shortness of breath.

Vasodilators reduce the amount of oxygen the heart needs to dilate. Vasodilators can also ease chest pain.

In people with advanced CHF, medication and lifestyle changes alone may not be enough.

Medical procedures that can help include the following:

The placement of implantable devices

An implantable defibrillator can prevent heart arrhythmias.

A pacemaker can address electrical problems in the heart to help the ventricles contract more regularly.

A left ventricular assist device (LVAD) can support the pumping ability of a heart when it cannot do this efficiently on its own. LVADs were once used on a short-term basis, but can now be a part of long-term treatment.

Other procedures

There are a number of other procedures a doctor may recommend to treat CHF:

A stent can be used to hold the blood vessel open.

Angioplasty to open a blocked artery: Sometimes the doctor will place a stent to help the vessel remain open.

Coronary artery bypass surgery: This reroutes some of the blood vessels so the blood can travel round the body, avoiding diseased or blocked blood vessels.

Valve replacement surgery: A doctor will replace an inefficient or diseased valve with a mechanical valve or one grown from living tissue.

Heart transplant: This may be the only option in people with severe CHF that is not well managed with other therapies.

Not everyone with CHF is a candidate for a transplant, and the wait for one can be long. A recipient must be healthy enough for the surgery. Surgery on the heart can be extremely dangerous, so doctors typically urge people to attempt lifestyle remedies and take medication before trying heart surgery or implantable devices.

Written by Zawn Villines

Courtesy: Medical News Today
Note: Any medical information available in this news section is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a health care professional.