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First genetic location found for anorexia nervosa

Date: May-12-2017
In what is perhaps the most significant genomic study of anorexia nervosa to date, researchers find the first genetic locus for the disorder.

Statins: How safe are they?

Date: May-12-2017
The adverse effects of taking statins have repeatedly been under the spotlight. However, are these fears unfounded? MNT take a look at statin safety.

The best apps for dieting and weight loss

Date: May-12-2017
Are you looking to lose weight and keep it off? Here are MNT's pick of the best dieting and weight loss apps that can help you to achieve your goal.

Experts define obesity as a disease

Date: May-12-2017
In a consensus statement, the World Obesity Federation argue that obesity is a chronic, progressive, relapsing disease with food as the primary agent.

How to make informed decisions from diabetes commercials

Date: May-12-2017
What do the best diabetes commercials have in common? Learn the key things to look out for to make informed choices about medications and medical supplies.

Cholesterol-free diet: Recipes and possible health benefits

Date: May-12-2017
What are the common themes of cholesterol-cutting diets? In this article learn about the vegan diet, the Mediterranean diet, and the TLC diet.

Delaying blood thinning treatment may raise dementia risk

Date: May-12-2017
Patients with atrial fibrillation should begin anticoagulation treatment as quickly as possible, suggests new study, as delays may increase dementia risk.

Is it safe to use metformin during pregnancy?

Date: May-12-2017
Metformin is commonly prescribed for managing type 2 diabetes. Although it effectively lowers blood sugar, is it safe for women to take during pregnancy?

To experience beauty, we need to think

Date: May-11-2017
Psychology researchers conclude that Kant was both right and wrong about beauty: if you want to appreciate beauty, you'll need to think about it.

Jogging for 30 minutes per day could slow cellular aging by 9 years

Date: May-11-2017
Get your running shoes on; a new study finds that jogging for 30 to 40 minutes on 5 days per week could reduce biological aging by 9 years.