Health News
Date: Jun-04-2017
In this article learn about ten essential menopause facts including topics on pregnancy, relationships, perimenopause, hormones, and disease.
Date: Jun-04-2017
Breast-feeding for at least 2 months after a C-section may reduce the risk of chronic pain 4 months after the procedure, a new study finds.
Date: Jun-04-2017
A new study compares the psychological attitudes of Americans and Norwegians toward casual sex, also looking at gender and cultural differences.
Date: Jun-04-2017
There are two types of bronchitis, acute and chronic. While both involve a wet, persistent cough, their causes can be different. When are they contagious?
Date: Jun-03-2017
What happens during a tuberculosis skin test and what do the results mean? What are the symptoms of tuberculosis and how is it diagnosed?
Date: Jun-03-2017
How do you diagnose menopause and test for fertility in both sexes? FSH tests can be used for both. In this article we explore how FSH tests work.
Date: Jun-03-2017
Social laughter releases endorphins, or 'feel good hormones,' in brain regions linked to emotion and arousal, which may promote social bonding, says study.
Date: Jun-03-2017
Our ability to recognize millions of faces is incredible. However, a new study finds that, in reality, the mechanisms involved are simpler than we thought.
Date: Jun-03-2017
What are the symptoms of ulcerative colitis? Can natural remedies manage symptoms, and what lifestyle and dietary changes are recommended.
Date: Jun-02-2017
New research finds higher concentrations of heavy metals in the baby teeth of children with autism spectrum disorder, compared with children without.