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Klinefelter syndrome: Symptoms, diagnosis, and management

Date: Jul-02-2017
Klinefelter syndrome is a disorder affecting the genes in men. Learn about Klinefelter syndrome, how it is diagnosed, its symptoms, and treatment options.

Reactive arthritis: Symptoms, risk factors, and treatment

Date: Jul-02-2017
Reactive arthritis is a painful type of inflammation that can occur in the legs and back. Find out about the symptoms and how to treat this condition.

MCH levels in blood tests: What do they mean?

Date: Jul-01-2017
What is MCH and what is a CBC blood test? Learn about the causes of low and high MCH levels, treatments for an MCH level imbalance, and outlook.

Belladonna: Uses and risks

Date: Jul-01-2017
Learn about belladonna and how it may be used to treat conditions such as Parkinson's, IBS, and stomach ulcers, as well as the associated risks.

Hemothorax: Causes, treatment, and outlook

Date: Jul-01-2017
What is hemothorax and what are the causes? Learn about the symptoms of hemothorax, how it may be diagnosed, and the risk factors and complications.

L-arginine: Potential benefits, side effects, and risks

Date: Jun-30-2017
What is L-arginine and what are the benefits? Learn about the natural ways to get enough L-arginine, as well as its potential complications.

Ten benefits of vitamin E oil

Date: Jun-30-2017
In this article you'll learn about vitamin E oil and its potential health benefits, as well as how to use it, and the associated risks.

Allergy shots: Uses, effectiveness, and side effects

Date: Jun-30-2017
To keep their symptoms at bay, allergy sufferers may try many different treatments. What are allergy shots and when might they be used?

What is the average height for men?

Date: Jun-30-2017
Over the past 100 years, height has increased for both men and women, but what factors influence height? Why might height and weight matter to health?

Orthostatic hypotension: Causes, symptoms, and prevention

Date: Jun-29-2017
Find out about the drop in blood pressure that causes orthostatic hypotension, including how and why it occurs. Learn the symptoms and how to manage them.